Who You Are
I welcome in my therapy room adults of all genders, sexualities, races, ethnicities, abilities, and religions/spiritualities (including none), and I invite patients to bring the fullness of themselves into our work together.
And yet it's possible -- even likely -- that if you're here, you're perplexed about who you are at all.
You've probably been through a lot of things that have alienated you from your core self and created a barrier of defensiveness, self-protection, and mistrust between you and others — not to mention between you and yourself.
That's okay.
It doesn't mean you're a bad person.
It means you're human.
trauma is just one layer
If you’re a smart, high-functioning adult but you feel like you’re constantly holding back the tide or reacting to the world from a place you’d rather not — if your coping strategies aren’t helping you cope too well anymore — if you’ve always wanted to live a certain way but find yourself spinning your wheels instead, or even sabotaging the plan — if you suspect there’s more to you than you’re currently able to access —
— welcome.
I call it the trauma layer. It’s the part of us where it's easy to get paralyzed or spun out by things like:
Poor self-esteem or self-confidence
Mistrust, defensiveness, or distancing in relationships
Highly active inner critic
Difficulty making decisions
Hard-to-enforce boundaries
Chronic busyness and over-commitment
People-pleasing and "chameleoning"
Fear of abandonment
Uncertain sense of self
Shame, fear, anxiety, panic, sadness, or depression
The trauma layer is not the only part of you. Far from it. But it tries to make us believe that it is.
I’ll say it again: It’s not.
you are not your traumA
Maybe sometimes it seems like the list above is all you are.
But there’s way more to you than the trauma layer — than the wounding you walk around with.
But sometimes it’s just so hard to find the rest of you, much less to live from that space long-term.
You'd like to do things like:
Soften the anger, calm the fear, and soothe the sadness
Strengthen your self-worth, self-respect, and self-esteem
Replace damaging habits with life-affirming ones
Be in charge of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
Finally feel good in your own skin
Lead with kindness and openness in relationships (including relationships with yourself!)
Feel more joy and contentment on a day-to-day basis
Find and keep love, meaning, and purpose
Feel a sense of connection and belonging in the world
But how? How do you get there from here? In therapy we'll walk through your wounded layer together, work on healing the places it hurts, and make room for more of the you that’s waiting beneath.
“When you come to the end of all the light you know,
and it’s time to step into the darkness of the unknown,
faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen:
Either you will be given something solid to stand on
or you will be taught to fly.”
Take a look through my website to see if you think we’d be a good fit. If you do, and you’re ready to begin, please fill out my phone screening request form. I’ll get back to you to schedule a free 15-minute phone call so we can both determine if we should move forward. I’m looking forward to talking with you!